Today, 60 to 80% of the adverse events in occupational health and safety are connected with “behavioural problems”: non-compliance with rules, risk-taking, lack of reflection, habits, etc. There can be no denying that the traditional technical-regulatory approach of the Health and Safety approach is no longer enough to improve risk management, or even to secure any good results for the long term. The severity and frequency of accidents are 2 key indicators, each of which speaks to different dimensions of accidentology. It is obviously the responsibility of the local prevention officers and managers to support both these dimensions to develop a culture of risk prevention in the everyday.
Developing the health and safety culture, improving working conditions and raising team awareness about the need to integrate the behaviours appropriate for their work are thus all essential towards reducing accidents and sustainably improving risk management.
Taking into account health and safety at work is a performance driver for companies, in the same way as production or quality. When the number of workplace accidents and occupational illnesses is successfully reduced, the absenteeism rate, direct and indirect costs of the absent employee and the company's workplace accident/occupational illness contributions all directly benefit.
Did you know ?
Your key challenges related
to risk management

- implementing a risk prevention policy or raising the level of the health and safety culture to reach zero accidents,
- complying with your regulatory risk assessment obligations and instituting the appropriate action plans,
- managing your key indicators and measuring the impacts of the actions instituted,
- integrating the health and safety dimension as a corporate value, a vector of corporate performance, on equal footing with production or quality.
The complete Apave offer
to respond to your challenges

Apave’s experts help you take action on your health and safety culture and improve the safety behaviours of your teams at work.
Would you like to receive support, benefiting from the expertise of Apave consultants, to conduct one-off, pragmatic actions, in line with the projects you have already initiated? Apave is at your side and adapts to your context and needs: initial diagnostic stage, identifying the priority actions, building your action plan, facilitating participatory workshops, and deploying new practices. We develop an ad hoc solution to act on each lever in your health and safety culture, adopting a “project-based logic” with the organisation and steering this implies and in a change management approach.
It is our belief that there can be no sustainable progress without safety. Risk prevention and the development of a dynamic health and safety culture in the workplace is a major challenge for all organisations and a source of overall performance.
In order to preserve the health and safety of your employees over the long term, Apave offers you a range of training, advice, support, diagnostics, measurement and assessment services, so that you can take action at all levels.
Our added value is built on:
- pragmatic actions that take into account your operational realities on the ground: no copy/pasted solutions, and instead, operational implementation tailored to your context!
- capitalising on best practices and experiences
- a multidisciplinary approach to the subjects and issues addressed thanks to our network of engineers, prevention officers, ergonomics specialists, occupational psychologists, HR consultants, etc.
- operating in project mode, with a single contact person
- a 360° approach to your projects: evaluations, analyses, support, training, education, digitalization, communication tools, etc.
Our services are structured around 3 levels so that you can:
- secure your compliance
- control your risks, by acting on all possible levers, beyond regulatory requirements
- improve your performance in the broadest sense
We provide you with a comprehensive response, built with you, to ensure the success of your projects by acting on the three core factors: Human, Organisational and Technical (HOT).
Our missions
Seeing to the performance of the health/safety organisation and management:
- Advice for changing your health-safety culture and behaviours
- Advice on safety management systems
- Drafting your prevention plan
- MASE diagnosis, support and audit
- ISO 45001 certification by Apave Certification
- HSE Organisational Diagnosis
- Organisational and Human Factors (OHF)
- Advice on Quality of Life at Work
- Safety Day
- Support and Training for Executives/Managers/HSE Engineers: your HSE check-ups, to take stock of your HSE situation and prioritise your actions
- Training for members of the Works Council (CSE)
Operational performance of your Health/Safety organisation:
- Ergonomics at work
- Preventing psychosocial risks
- All-fluids lockout
- Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor (DGSA)
- Prevention plan - (outsourcing or support)
- Single Occupational Hazard Assessment Document - DUERP
- Digital solutions dedicated to risk prevention: Informed regulatory monitoring with Pilot Veille, reporting of risk situations with Alert Sécurité digitisation of your HSE audits and diagnostics with Check Santé Sécurité et Environnement, digitalisation of your occupational risk assessment and your Single Document with Pilot Santé Sécurité
- Training in occupational health and safety
Subcontracting performance and improvement:
- MASE diagnosis, support and audit
- Outside companies:
- Site risk management, reception of Outside Companies
- Management of Outside Companies: diagnosis, support, field monitoring, training, creation of tools
- Training and management of Outside Companies (MASE, PDP, etc.)
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