Your key
To anticipate technical, human and environmental risks and to remain compliant, Apave safeguards your local and international construction operations in 4 major areas:
- Control of technical risks
- Safety of people and property
- Environmental protection and energy efficiency
- Online Services / Innovation: BIM (the first end-to-end platform from design to operation for your property development projects) / Alert Sécurité
Download our brochure "Infrastructure and construction actors" - 4.9 MO -
Did you know ?
The sector represents 100 million jobs worldwide. And 50% of construction site cranes are in China.
A comprehensive Apave offer
to respond to your challenges

Our objective: to support you fully throughout all the major stages of your operation.
We support you in all stages of your project:
- Draft/design phase
- Soil reclamation/verification phase
- Construction phase
- Building operation phase
- Renovation/restoration phase
- Deconstruction phase
Draft/design phase
- Obtaining the building permit
- Consider soil pollution in building permit applications: (French Alur law)
- Carry out the public safety and security study (ESSP) for your development and construction operations
- BIM (Building Information Modelling): a collaborative digital tool enabling all stakeholders to track and share all project data in real time. Its future development will make construction projects more productive and profitable by including revolutionary measures for sustainability and security.
- RE2020
- Heating and air conditioning regulations
- Disabled access
- Prevention of fire risk
- CTC (Construction Technical Inspection, at start of mission)
- CSPS (Health and Safety Coordinator, in design phase)
Soil reclamation/verification phase
- Carry out the public safety and security study (ESSP) for your development and construction operations
- Soil pollution: studies, assistance and inspection
- Soil decontamination
- Polluted sites and soils: engineering of reclamation work
- Radon
- Identification of asbestos and lead before works
- Project Management Assistance to obtain energy and environmental accreditations
- CTC (Construction Technical Inspection, at start of mission)
- CSPS (Health and Safety Coordinator, in design phase)
- BIM innovation: the first end-to-end platform from design to operation for your property development projects.
Construction phase
- Construction Technical Inspection (next stage)
- Health & Safety on construction sites (construction phase)
- Clean worksite
- Safety checks at site entrances
- Quality monitoring: environmental, acoustic
- Project Management Assistance to obtain energy and environmental accreditations
End of construction site:
- Visual examination and measurements after asbestos removal
- Assistance with acceptance tests
- Disabled, Thermal, Acoustic qualification certificates
- Infiltrometry tests (air permeability)
- Energy Efficiency Survey
- Consuel electrical safety inspection
Building operation phase
- Digital innovation: CheckImmo, by Apave Diagnostic, computerises and simplifies the management of all your property diagnostics and periodic inspections: Asbestos survey, Energy Efficiency survey, Electrical safety, gas, lead, termites and parasite survey, risk and pollution report (ERP), surface area certificate.
- Maintain compliance of the existing system through periodic and regulatory inspections of electrical and fire systems, lifts, automatic doors and gates, heating/air conditioning, pressurised equipment, etc.
- Building monitoring / SHM Bâtiment: Ap'Structure – an innovative solution for monitoring the integrity, maintenance and health of your buildings in order to anticipate failure risks
- Personalised regulatory monitoring, alerts and analyses: Avisé
- Training: disabled access, locating asbestos in buildings, installing gas in buildings, training in electrical certification
- Prevent accidents with Alert InOne
- Prevent and limit the risks of criminal acts to reduce financial losses
Renovation/restoration phase
Apave is certified in areas A (soil pollution management), B (remediation engineering) and D (issuance of the ATTES certificate) by the LNE
- Polluted sites and soils: engineering of remediation work, studies, assistance and control
- Asbestos and lead detection before workRadon in buildings
- Radon in buildings
- Safety and solidity diagnostics
- Energy performance diagnosis for housing
- Technical construction control (CTC)
- Health and safety coordination (CSPS)
- Energy saving: energy saving certificate following insulation work; diagnosis of ventilation installations
- BIM innovation: the first seamless platform from design to operation for your building projects
- Inspection of buildings and engineering structures with Ap'Structure
Deconstruction phase

- Waste survey before demolition
- Products-Materials-Waste Surveys
- Construction technical inspection
- Health & Safety on construction sites
- Clean worksite
- Safety checks at site entrances
Why choose

Major player in the construction risk management sector with support roles in construction technical inspection (CTC) and Health & Safety on construction sites (SPS)

Supporting you throughout implementation of your property project: in the planning, design, construction and acceptance phase.

A dense regional network with a single contact person dedicated to your project: 50 construction agencies, 1200 construction specialists. Infrastructure - Construction sector project management department.
On the same
Our support