A bridge


Integrate risk control and safety in all aspects of your projects


This sector includes all engineering structures (bridges, tunnels, dams and national, departmental or municipal roads), all these infrastructures face many challenges:

  • - On the one hand, the need to consider the ageing of structures (upkeep, maintenance – major issues in France and in Europe). For this, it is important to monitor the ageing to limit the risk of accidents.
    - On the other hand, construction involves new materials and new processes which require optimal safety management. Of the infrastructures required by 2050 to deal with the demographic increase in global population and expanding urban development, only 25% of it currently exists. (Source: Global Infrastructure Hub)

The infrastructure sector is a true driver of growth and global economic prosperity. 
Technologies and materials are changing; nonetheless, the safety of property and people should remain the major issue for those involved in the sector, and Apave and its experts can help you manage your everyday risks.

Your challenges related

to risk management

Your challenges related to human risks

  • The safety of workers on construction sites and preventing co-activity risks
  • Training and qualifying teams to meet regulatory, technical and technological developments

  Your challenges related to technical risks

  • The safety of infrastructures
  • Real-time detection of structural failures


Your challenges related to environmental risks

  • Waste management, reduced atmospheric emissions
  • Controlling environmental impact: avoiding, reducing and offsetting effects on the natural environment

Your challenges related to Digital and Technological risks

  • Innovations to enhance reliability and monitor projects
  • Embedded solutions and real-time data transmission
  • Data security


Controlling all these risks will enable you to develop and guarantee the greatest reliability and sustainability of your structures, particularly using predictive models and digital modelling (BIM) and through more ecologically virtuous systems.


Did you know ?

9.8 billion people will populate the planet in 2050 (Source: United Nations).

The complete Apave offer

to meet your challenges

Diagramme présentant les métiers Apave en EN
Diagramme présentant les métiers Apave en EN

As a business or local authority, you build, refurbish or manage bridges, construction works, tunnels, viaducts, sewage treatment plants, wind turbines, ports, locks or retaining walls.


We support you throughout the life cycle of your structures to make safety the focus of your project, providing a response to suit your situation, whether it involves existing infrastructures or new projects. Our teams, located in 45 countries, have developed cutting-edge expertise focused on the specific challenges of your sector. 

As a third-party, we provide an independent perspective in order to assess and anticipate technical construction risks and to contribute to the safety of workers on construction sites.


Whatever the nature of your infrastructure project, we are by your side during its construction, operation, renovation and deconstruction phase.



Apave supports you internationally

Control risks

during construction

CTC SPS mission by Apave
CTC SPS mission by Apave

Extend the lifetime

of the structures

A man holds his yellow helmet outside a construction site
A man holds his yellow helmet outside a construction site
  • Asset mapping
  • Detailed inspections (IDI, IDP, IDE) and survey of infrastructures
  • Definition of maintenance master plan
  • Control of vulnerability, sustainability and environmental risks
  • Instrumentation and monitoring of structures (Ap'Structure)
  • Project management using BIM
  • Testing and characterisation of metals, plastics and composite materials including geotextile membranes
  • Checks of equipment including electrical installations and fire systems
  • Training courses: Health and Safety Coordinator (CSPS), Authorisation to Work Close to Networks (AIPR) 


deconstruction work

Two men in front of a tunnel construction
Two men in front of a tunnel construction
  • Review of deconstruction kinetics and risk analysis
  • Inspection of temporary construction site structures
  • Survey of demolition waste

Apave supports you internationally


Predictive maintenance and facility monitoring

Apave presents Ap'Structure, a unique solution for real-time monitoring and predictive maintenance of structures and works.

Why choose



Unique experience of more than 150 years

combined with cutting-edge technical expertise. 150 years of industry experience and cutting-edge technical expertise make Apave your trusted partner.

a multidisciplinary approach to boost your performance

We form a team of bespoke specialists to support your projects: technical engineers in all speciality fields, safety experts, ergonomics experts, ecologists, occupational psychologists, etc.

The capability to support your transformation projects

Supporting companies in all their transformations since Industry 1.0, Apave is your rightful partner for successfully shifting to Industry 4.0, while considering all its aspects: technical, organisational and human.

Need assistance?

Our experts are available worldwide.

Let us guide you!

Discover the Apave offer in France!

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