Machine à trier les fruits et légumes


Facing environmental, traceability and safety challenges in a more sustainable world


A sector in constant evolution, both in terms of production methods and manufacturing processes, the agri-food sector is the 4th largest sector in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. It is therefore necessary for the sector to change its practices to be part of an approach with respect for the environment and sustainable development while responding to the complexities of the supply chain and new manufacturing processes.
Apave and its experts can help you control your risks on a daily basis.

Your challenges related

to risk management

Your challenges related to human risks

  • The health and safety of your employees with human/robot co-activity

  • Certification of your management systems

  Your challenges related to technical risks

  • Maximum safety and security: compliance with regulations (technical and environmental) and ever-stricter safety levels
  • The qualification of your equipment to meet current codes and standards
  • Prevention of fire risks


Your challenges related to environmental risks

  • Reducing the environmental impact, particularly greenhouse gases

 Your challenges related to Digital and Technological risks

  • A predictive maintenance model for your equipment

Controlling all these risks will enable you to develop new, more virtuous manufacturing processes, manage responsible procurement and guarantee the performance of your facilities.


The complete Apave offer
to meet your challenges

diagram representing the trades of Apave
diagram representing the trades of Apave
Throughout the value chain of the food industry, Apave experts develop a tailor-made response in line with local regulatory requirements :

To preserve the health and safety of your teams on a daily basis:

  • Digital solutions dedicated to risk prevention: reporting risk situations with Alert Sécurité, regulatory monitoring with Avisé, maintenance plan management with Manage inOne


To develop the performance of your maintenance and guarantee the compliance of your equipment:

  • Technical support
  • Inspection
  • Non-destructive testing (EMAT) to avoid production stoppages
  • Technical assistance for the implementation of new production lines


To train your employees and maintain your know-how and strategic skills:


To secure your sites against specific risks (fire, explosion, malicious acts):


To take into account environmental issues and make a success of the low-carbon transition:


To support your Industry 4.0 projects:

  • Feasibility study, ergonomic study
  • Technical assistance for cobots
  • Change management
  • Evaluating the organisational impact and setting up appropriate workflows


To prepare and maintain your ISO 22000 certification:

  • Hygiene, IFS or ISO 22000 V2018 audits.
  • Audit of the HACCP system and advice on how to improve it.
  • Assistance in drafting the Sanitary Control Plan (SCP).
  • Diagnosis of the company's health and safety culture.
  • Staff training. Apave takes into account the human factor as a key element for the appropriation of the "health safety" culture by all the company's players. We offer training for :
  • Regulatory watch: a customised solution Avisé
  • Support for crisis management
  • Apave Certification certifies your food safety management system


As a recognized risk management player for 150 years, Apave supports its customers in a shared progress approach, for a safer and more sustainable world.


As such, we are able to anticipate future changes to help you maintain the highest level of safety for your equipment and your organisations by providing you with the benefit of continuously more experienced innovations.


For each client project, we provide you with a local multidisciplinary team, capable of effectively considering all the impacts related to risk management. Our DNA is to provide a high level of technical expertise while guaranteeing the best possible project management, taking into account our client's context, objectives and operational constraints.

Industrialists of the food industry, you wonder about the implementation of the 2018 version of the ISO 22000 standard, mandatory from 31/12/2021? Our expert answers you!
+ Discover our news on the subject


Learn a trade in real-life conditions

In partnership with Manpower, Apave has come up with a pragmatic solution to Maître Prunille's needs, enabling the company to train its future employees “on the ground” at their Casseneuil (47) plant. A “tailor-made” training program to ensure long-term employment in the high-demand profession of Installation and Automated Machine Operator.

Why choose




An independent third-party organisation for an even safer industry. Apave's experts can advise you and provide you with personalized solutions tailored to your needs. A recognized player in risk management for over 150 years, Apave supports its customers in a shared progress approach, for a safer and more sustainable world.


The expertise of our field teams. Mastery of technical and environmental regulations. With our experience, we work on a daily basis on the evolutions related to the operation of your activities, so that you can maintain the best level of safety of your equipment and your organisations.


To provide a response aimed at industrial performance and process digitalisation. For each of your projects, a local multidisciplinary team, capable of efficiently considering all the impacts linked to risk management, is at your service. Our satisfaction is to provide you with a high level of technical expertise by guaranteeing you the best project management while considering the context, your objectives and all your constraints.

Need assistance?

Our experts are available worldwide.

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