Introducing the
Apave Group
Our job is to allow our customers to exercise theirs safely
Apave is an international group specialised in risk management with more than 150 years’ experience.
Every day, Apave's 17,500 employees work with its customers to help them protect what they consider most precious: their employees, customers and assets. Apave offers services and expertise in 5 areas: inspection, training, testing-measurements, certification and labels, consulting and technical support.
Whether it relates to personal safety, site safety and compliance, environmental safety or digital security, Apave’s mission at all times is to be a trusted third party for its customers.
Find out more about Apave's offers in France:

Our 5 areas of expertise are complementary and allow you to combine safety with performance at all stages of your projects.

We check the reliability of your facilities, equipment, structures, infrastructure and buildings to keep them compliant on their entry into service and during their operation.
Testing and measurements
We carry out tests of all types using simulators reproducing real stresses. We also measure air, water or soil to monitor its quality so you can better manage your risks.
Certification & labelling
We certify your management systems, skills, products or services. We also define labels that comply with a strict reference framework.
We are the leading company in risk management and safety training. Our unique trainer-inspector model allows for 350,000 people to be trained each year, for which they receive a certificate, a diploma which is a real passport for their career.
Consulting and technical support
We help you improve the health and safety of your teams by reducing industrial accidents and the risk of incidents.

Your Activity

A word from
the CEO
The industrial revolutions have gradually changed the economic world and consumption patterns. Apave has always accompanied these changes by guaranteeing the safety of goods, people and the environment. More than ever, in a world that is changing and becoming more international, innovative and digital, Apave is pursuing its mission as a trusted third party for its customers, to enable them to carry out their activities and adapt them in complete safety. Every day, Apave's 17.500 employees work with them to help them protect what is most precious to them: their employees, customers and assets. Our mission: to secure your performance so that you can build your future in complete safety.